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Why Choose Us

Choose Artisan-Preneur Consulting and unlock a partnership that goes beyond traditional consulting. Tangibly, you'll get access to cutting-edge, AI-optimized websites, meticulously crafted marketing plans, and revenue-generating assets that resonate with your target audience. But that's just scratching the surface.


You're investing in a relationship built on mutual growth and innovation. You gain the expertise to navigate the digital landscape, the skills to sustain long-term revenue streams, and the confidence to make informed business decisions.


We don't just offer solutions; we impart wisdom, equip you with invaluable skills, and co-create a success story that's uniquely yours. Come for the services, stay for the transformation—Artisan-Preneur Consulting is where your entrepreneurial vision takes flight.

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My Story

Hey there, digital wanderer! So you've stumbled upon my "My Story" section. Lucky you! I'm Tiffany, the brain, brawn, and artistic flair behind Artisan-Preneur Consulting. Sit tight; you're about to be regaled with a tale that could be a Netflix special—if Netflix were into stories about badass, tech-savvy entrepreneurs who also happen to have mad art skills.


Let's start with Act 1: "The Navy & The Classroom." Spoiler alert—I served as a disabled Navy veteran. If I had a dollar for every life lesson learned there, I'd probably own a small island by now. I traded my naval gear for textbooks and a Bachelor's degree from the world-renowned Norfolk State University. And because I'm an overachiever, I decided an MBA in Digital Entrepreneurship was the next logical step. Just can't get enough of those PowerPoint slides and endless essays, you know?


Enter Act 2: "Artisan-Preneur Consulting and the World's Most Versatile Founder."🤠 After realizing I have this weird but awesome cocktail of business savvy and tech nerdiness, I thought, "Why not help others?" So, here I am, running a consultancy firm that's so cutting-edge that even the knives in my kitchen are jealous. I've worn enough hats to open a millinery—community ambassador for Verizon's Small Business Program, business advisor at The Hive's Capital Accelerator Program, author, artist, and, let's not forget, CEO of doing way too much.


And because I'm a multi-dimensional human (shocking, right?), Act 3 is all about Artisan-Preneur Artistry.🎨 It's where I unleash my inner Picasso but with more AI and less ear-chopping. My art spans from empowering depictions of African-American women to majestic ocean landscapes made of crushed glass, fabric, and what could only be mermaid tears.


When the curtains close, you'll find me decimating foes in first-person shooter PC games, indulging my wanderlust, or possibly belting out tunes that only my shower truly appreciates.


So, that's me: part business maven, tech whisperer, and creative genius. Stick around, and you might just catch some of this awesomeness by osmosis.😉😎


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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