Why Choose Us
Choose Artisan-Preneur Consulting and unlock a partnership that goes beyond traditional consulting. Tangibly, you'll get access to cutting-edge, AI-optimized websites, meticulously crafted marketing plans, and revenue-generating assets that resonate with your target audience. But that's just scratching the surface.
You're investing in a relationship built on mutual growth and innovation. You gain the expertise to navigate the digital landscape, the skills to sustain long-term revenue streams, and the confidence to make informed business decisions.
We don't just offer solutions; we impart wisdom, equip you with invaluable skills, and co-create a success story that's uniquely yours. Come for the services, stay for the transformation—Artisan-Preneur Consulting is where your entrepreneurial vision takes flight.
My Story
Hey there, digital wanderer! So you've stumbled upon my "My Story" section. Lucky you! I'm Tiffany, the brain, brawn, and artistic flair behind Artisan-Preneur Consulting. Sit tight; you're about to be regaled with a tale that could be a Netflix special—if Netflix were into stories about badass, tech-savvy entrepreneurs who also happen to have mad art skills.
Let's start with Act 1: "The Navy & The Classroom." Spoiler alert—I served as a disabled Navy veteran. If I had a dollar for every life lesson learned there, I'd probably own a small island by now. I traded my naval gear for textbooks and a Bachelor's degree from the world-renowned Norfolk State University. And because I'm an overachiever, I decided an MBA in Digital Entrepreneurship was the next logical step. Just can't get enough of those PowerPoint slides and endless essays, you know?
Enter Act 2: "Artisan-Preneur Consulting and the World's Most Versatile Founder."🤠After realizing I have this weird but awesome cocktail of business savvy and tech nerdiness, I thought, "Why not help others?" So, here I am, running a consultancy firm that's so cutting-edge that even the knives in my kitchen are jealous. I've worn enough hats to open a millinery—community ambassador for Verizon's Small Business Program, business advisor at The Hive's Capital Accelerator Program, author, artist, and, let's not forget, CEO of doing way too much.
And because I'm a multi-dimensional human (shocking, right?), Act 3 is all about Artisan-Preneur Artistry.🎨 It's where I unleash my inner Picasso but with more AI and less ear-chopping. My art spans from empowering depictions of African-American women to majestic ocean landscapes made of crushed glass, fabric, and what could only be mermaid tears.
When the curtains close, you'll find me decimating foes in first-person shooter PC games, indulging my wanderlust, or possibly belting out tunes that only my shower truly appreciates.
So, that's me: part business maven, tech whisperer, and creative genius. Stick around, and you might just catch some of this awesomeness by osmosis.😉😎
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.